
My name is Stephen Brannen. I'm a musician living in Colorado Springs with my beautiful wife and two adorable daughters, plus a couple of cats. By day (and sometimes night) I am a guitarist with The United States Air Force Academy Band. Music has always been my passion and occupation, but the Creator who gave me the gift is a pearl of much greater price. Nevertheless, I want you to hear my music and be blessed by it. That's part of the reason I started this blog.The other reason I'm here is to bring to fruition my hidden life-long desire to communicate through words, in this case - to write. It's my father's fault - he's a preacher. Now he's blogging. Since I didn't follow in his footsteps to the pulpit, I'll try to make up for it by following him onto blogspot. If you're reading this daddy - I love you!I will try to keep everyone posted on my musical endeavors, while bringing what I hope to be enlightening prose to this corner of the web. Thank you for joining with me.

My pictures

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who is smart?

Most of us know a little more about some particular thing than most other people do. Maybe for you it’s mechanics, theology, street sense, agriculture, music, business, literature, people, raising children, problem-solving, or some other subject or discipline in life. But – ALL of us know so very, very, very little compared to how much is known altogether. Therefore, none of us has as much to teach as to learn. The ignorant, I believe, are those who spend more time enlightening others than they spend learning from others.

And so I offer this postulation:

The smarter of any two people will be the one who learns the most from the other.

I hope I will live by it.


Favorite One said...

Wow! You continue to make such profound statements. And, I must be getting smarter - cause I'm learning a lot!

Travelin' On said...

Hmmmm....this really is one of those things that makes ya go,"hmmm..."
Yes, so I wanna keep learning.