
My name is Stephen Brannen. I'm a musician living in Colorado Springs with my beautiful wife and two adorable daughters, plus a couple of cats. By day (and sometimes night) I am a guitarist with The United States Air Force Academy Band. Music has always been my passion and occupation, but the Creator who gave me the gift is a pearl of much greater price. Nevertheless, I want you to hear my music and be blessed by it. That's part of the reason I started this blog.The other reason I'm here is to bring to fruition my hidden life-long desire to communicate through words, in this case - to write. It's my father's fault - he's a preacher. Now he's blogging. Since I didn't follow in his footsteps to the pulpit, I'll try to make up for it by following him onto blogspot. If you're reading this daddy - I love you!I will try to keep everyone posted on my musical endeavors, while bringing what I hope to be enlightening prose to this corner of the web. Thank you for joining with me.

My pictures

Sunday, July 13, 2008

After 42 years!

I hope someone is there to pick my daddy up off the floor when he reads this - but yesterday, for the first time in all my 42 years, I actually preached a sermon! It lasted only about 10 minutes (I didn't realize 10 was so long), but it went fairly well. My congregation was a group of inmates at the State Penitentiary, and they seemed to receive it well. It was my second trip to the prison, where I have played my guitar in their chapel service. But this time I wanted to prepare something to share from the pulpit. So here's a condensed synopsis of what I shared:

God loves men of action. Men of action are not content to sit idly by and live ordinary lives; they are compelled to act, and so God loves to use these impetuous, passionate, bold, confrontational souls to do awesome works in His Kingdom. But, unfortunately, Satan loves to derail them by leading them toward sinful actions, because, being men of action, they will often appease him quite willingly.

I then shared examples of men in the Bible who were action-oriented, like Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Peter, and Paul. They were not content to sit by and do nothing, when perhaps they should have. Jacob stole his brother's inheritance, Joseph had a big mouth, Moses committed murder, Peter assaulted an officer, and Paul was also a murderer. Yet God saw something in them - a willingness to DO something, right or wrong. When God took hold of them and turned their hearts toward Him, they were all used to do mighty works in His Kingdom that other men would have shied from.

Then I shared Revelation 3:15-16, the verse about being hot or cold, not lukewarm. I hope they caught that this message was all about them. In the spiritual reality, these men are not criminals; they are superheroes, not content to live ordinary lives, but they have been lured away from their calling. They are behind those walls because they acted, where most men would not. But because Satan was guiding their motives, their actions were criminal. I made sure to remind them that if they allow God to lead them and guide their actions - they will do amazing things because they are willing to act where most men are not.

I hope to go there again soon and share more of what God puts on my heart.

Blessings to you all.


Fred said...

WoW! That's a powerful thought. Did you know we have a whole department here called "Men/Women of Action"? I bet they would love to hear that message.

Travelin' On said...

I love it...and the fact that you can see through the negative and find the positive in lives who others have "thrown away" and forgotten. I'd say you really encouraged them.
Well, hmmm....even after 42 years...sounds like you're a natural. :)
Great job!

Favorite One said...

It is wonderful that you were willing to be used by God's word to share his message! I know a wonderful preacher named Maury Davis who was in prison at one point. Had it not been for a man like you - someone who took the time to share God's word and make him realize he does have good in him - well, who knows what he'd be doing today! But thankfully he listened to the message and now spreads it nationwide. You may never realize the life(lives) you have impacted. God Bless you and reward you for your knowledge and willingness to share it with others.

Corky Alexander said...

We are proud of you. Keep it up. I can see albums like "Live at..."

Unknown said...

So excited to read what you wrote. I may borrow that and use it to teach my ladies when our co-op starts back in August. That was really awesome!