
My name is Stephen Brannen. I'm a musician living in Colorado Springs with my beautiful wife and two adorable daughters, plus a couple of cats. By day (and sometimes night) I am a guitarist with The United States Air Force Academy Band. Music has always been my passion and occupation, but the Creator who gave me the gift is a pearl of much greater price. Nevertheless, I want you to hear my music and be blessed by it. That's part of the reason I started this blog.The other reason I'm here is to bring to fruition my hidden life-long desire to communicate through words, in this case - to write. It's my father's fault - he's a preacher. Now he's blogging. Since I didn't follow in his footsteps to the pulpit, I'll try to make up for it by following him onto blogspot. If you're reading this daddy - I love you!I will try to keep everyone posted on my musical endeavors, while bringing what I hope to be enlightening prose to this corner of the web. Thank you for joining with me.

My pictures

Monday, July 21, 2008

Muddy in the Royal Gorge

No, no, no. I don't mean she gorged on food like royalty! She went with us today to the Royal Gorge and rode a train along the Arkansas River. She really enjoyed the scenery. And she has been a joy to have around. Last night she beat Rachel and the girls in chinese checkers, and tonight she's going to play scrabble with us. I hope she doesn't cheat.

Tomorrow we will take a trip up into the mountains and have a picnic - then maybe drive up to Woodland Park for the only Blue Bell Ice Cream stop in Colorado. (Does Muddy like ice cream?)

I'll put up pictures as soon as I get them off the camera. Thanks for letting us borrow her for a few days. We'll give her back soon!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

After 42 years!

I hope someone is there to pick my daddy up off the floor when he reads this - but yesterday, for the first time in all my 42 years, I actually preached a sermon! It lasted only about 10 minutes (I didn't realize 10 was so long), but it went fairly well. My congregation was a group of inmates at the State Penitentiary, and they seemed to receive it well. It was my second trip to the prison, where I have played my guitar in their chapel service. But this time I wanted to prepare something to share from the pulpit. So here's a condensed synopsis of what I shared:

God loves men of action. Men of action are not content to sit idly by and live ordinary lives; they are compelled to act, and so God loves to use these impetuous, passionate, bold, confrontational souls to do awesome works in His Kingdom. But, unfortunately, Satan loves to derail them by leading them toward sinful actions, because, being men of action, they will often appease him quite willingly.

I then shared examples of men in the Bible who were action-oriented, like Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Peter, and Paul. They were not content to sit by and do nothing, when perhaps they should have. Jacob stole his brother's inheritance, Joseph had a big mouth, Moses committed murder, Peter assaulted an officer, and Paul was also a murderer. Yet God saw something in them - a willingness to DO something, right or wrong. When God took hold of them and turned their hearts toward Him, they were all used to do mighty works in His Kingdom that other men would have shied from.

Then I shared Revelation 3:15-16, the verse about being hot or cold, not lukewarm. I hope they caught that this message was all about them. In the spiritual reality, these men are not criminals; they are superheroes, not content to live ordinary lives, but they have been lured away from their calling. They are behind those walls because they acted, where most men would not. But because Satan was guiding their motives, their actions were criminal. I made sure to remind them that if they allow God to lead them and guide their actions - they will do amazing things because they are willing to act where most men are not.

I hope to go there again soon and share more of what God puts on my heart.

Blessings to you all.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where is Barack Obama's heart?

A few months ago there was a bit of controversy over a photograph of Barack Obama not placing his hand over his heart during the playing of the National Anthem at a fundraiser. I heard about this and researched it a bit on the internet, and I found it to be true and accurate. Yes, he really is right up there on the stage with his hands down in front of him while the other democratic candidates have their hands over their hearts. Of course there are also pictures out there of him in other settings with his hand properly placed over his heart and singing along with the anthem. As to his failure to do so in this photograph, one of Obama’s PR people replied “sometimes he does; sometimes he doesn’t,” and asserted that he is in no way trying to make any sort of statement by this non-action.

Here’s my take on this: Any U.S. senator not placing his hand over his heart during the playing of the National Anthem (when everyone else around him is) DOES make a statement! Whether intentional or not – a statement is made.

Maybe to some this issue is not particularly important. Perhaps a number of citizens have well-spoken philosophical reasons for not paying the traditional respects to the symbols of our nation – and they unquestionably have that right and I would never try to force them otherwise. But – they are not running for president. For an American president, such expressions of patriotism are (and should be) expected.

To me, though, this issue is not really about a lack of patriotism, but a frighteningly clueless lack of empathy and understanding for the American people. I do believe that Mr. Obama does indeed love this country very much, and I don’t yet see credible evidence to suggest he doesn’t. However, Mr. Obama is running for the office of the President of the United States of America, and in this particular country, the symbolic gesture of placing one’s hand over their heart during the anthem has been SO VERY important to SO MANY people for SO LONG that it’s truly baffling to me that the Illinois senator wouldn’t automatically do it – ALL of the time. Doesn’t he know how it makes so many Americans feel to see him there like that, the only one with his hands down? Doesn’t he consider the passions of the millions of military veterans who can scarcely hear the anthem without holding back tears? Isn’t he aware that the office for which he is campaigning is that of the Commander-in-Chief of the whole of the U.S. armed forces, who are REQUIRED to pay proper respects to the flag and the anthem at all times? Doesn’t it occur to him that putting his hand over his heart is an expected symbol of service and allegiance not only to the flag or anthem, but to the PEOPLE who hold them so dear? I can only guess that the answer to these questions is “no.” And that DOES worry me.

When I see that picture of Barack Obama with his hands folded in front of him as if he were watching a golf game, I don’t see a dissident, an anti-patriot, or an America-hater at all – I just see a man who is completely and unbelievably aloof.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who is smart?

Most of us know a little more about some particular thing than most other people do. Maybe for you it’s mechanics, theology, street sense, agriculture, music, business, literature, people, raising children, problem-solving, or some other subject or discipline in life. But – ALL of us know so very, very, very little compared to how much is known altogether. Therefore, none of us has as much to teach as to learn. The ignorant, I believe, are those who spend more time enlightening others than they spend learning from others.

And so I offer this postulation:

The smarter of any two people will be the one who learns the most from the other.

I hope I will live by it.

My trip to TN

I just wanted to say to all my TN family and friends how much I enjoyed my visit there last month. It was so wonderful to be around family again. Everyone seems to be doing well and it's good to see that. Special thanks to Aunt Bonita for the best fudge ever made by a mortal. I can't wait to see all of you again.

I'm also very excited to be receiving none other than Bonnie Bell Brannen into my home from July 19th to the 26th. She has never been to Colorado before - so Rachel and I look forward to showing her a good time. Maybe Aunt Bonita could stick a few pieces of fudge into Muddy's purse? Or a tuna sandwhich?

I love my family!